Collection: Elseware Unplug

Formerly known as eco-kids, and created by the team that brought you Burt’s Bees, we are delighted to supply you with the highest quality, earth conscious products so kids, teens and adults can UNPLUG at home, at work, in the bath, in nature and on the go!

This unique collection of products helps parents and caregivers engage in their children’s playtime, while reducing screen time for all involved. Help kids, teens and adults reduce stress and unplug from technology with a plethora of engaging products to help you relax, unwind and enjoy your creative side.

Elseware Unlpug are always conscious of reducing or eliminating unsustainable ingredients, packaging, and practices, including the reduction of the use of plastic.

It’s time to UNPLUG and have fun! Be creative, relax, turn off your device and go Elseware!